Originally published on the Cheshire Democratic Town Committee website.
10/27/2019 Next Tuesday, we have municipal elections here in Cheshire. I hope that you are registered to vote. Even if you are registered to vote this fall, but there may be other actions that you need to take to make sure you can vote. As an election official, I’ve seen problems that delay people from voting that could have been easily solved beforehand. important that your voter registration information is correct. The first principle for us poll workers is not to deny anyone the their right to vote. However, some voters may be denied this right because their information is incorrect. To be able to vote, your name and address should be on the official voter roll that is generated by the Cheshire Registrar of Voters. So, if you have moved into Cheshire from another town, if you have changed your address, or if you have changed your name, make sure that you have made these changes with the Registrar of Voters. Usually when someone is not able to vote, it is because of these registration inconsistencies. We can usually correct these at the polls, but we need to contact the Registrar to determine the best course of action. This causes needless delays for you, for us and for other voters. We always have a few voters who go to the wrong polling site. Sometimes people have moved and not realized that they need to vote at a different location. Some types of elections are not held in your usual polling place, so be sure to check beforehand. You can always check with the Registrar’s office or go to the their web pages to determine where you should vote. https://www.cheshirect.org/voting-and-elections/voter-registration/ . Finally, don’t forget to have proper personal identification, such as your driver’s license, when you vote. Cheshire is fortunate to have two excellent Registrars, Tom Smith, and Susan Pappas. Tom and Susan, along with their staff, are always helpful and knowledgeable about voting rules and regulations. If you have any questions about your current voting eligibility status, polling place, party affiliation, or other matters relating to your right to vote, contact their office at 203-271-6680. Here's some additional voting information on this website. by Harold Kramer, 2019 Assistant Registrar at Dodd Middle School
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